Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Men Really Want In A Woman

 What Men Really Want In A Woman:

1. Confidence
Men want a women who doesn’t (not to be confused with want) need anyone to tell her she’s amazing. They are looking for the girl who doesn’t care about past relationships or get insecure about female friends.

2. Independence
Guys like a lady who can, if necessary, stand on her own. While most men take pride in financially supporting their women, they also like to feel like they have a complementing partner.

3. Emotional Stability
Crazy is not cute. Just ask Halle Berry. Men are turned off by emotionally needy women. No guy wants to walk around on eggshells all day just to keep you from crying.

4. Wit
Men like women who can keep up with them on an intellectual and comedic level. It’s not so much about your formal education as it is your ability to translate lecture material into clever conversation

5. Class
There is a reason some loud, boisterous women are single. Whether we like it or not, men wear their women. Our appearance and behavior is representative of them. Men like a woman who knows how to act like a lady, in the traditional sense.

6. Domestication
It’s in a man’s nature to want to be nurtured; and they like women who cook and clean—sort of like a June Cleaver 2.0.

7. Spontaneity
Try living on a whim every once in a while. Unpredictability and adventure keep you exciting and guys like a girl who’s up for anything.

8. Healthy-looking Physique

Men go ga-ga over the bodies of women in music videos and on magazines. They want a woman whose body appears to be in decent shape with more muscle than adipose tissue. Men are visual!!

9. Discernment
Guys don’t like to talk about their feelings as much as women, especially during the playoffs. Know when and when not to pester him with discussions about the relationship and your feelings. They appreciate a woman who can identify when to shut up.

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