Tuesday, April 12, 2011

3 Reasons You Can't Hold A Relationship

 3 Reason You Can't Hold A Relationship:

You chose what was available, not what was healthy

You may find yourself in the repeated circumstance of choosing men that happen to be in your gym, your work, your school, your area, and just men who are there for “being there” sake. If you date what ever’s available, as opposed to seeking what’s healthy, you'll end up with more than a few tears on your pillow at night.

He’s protecting you from himself

Sometimes, it’s just not personal with relationships. Sometimes, your pattern may be that you choose men who find you incredible and amazing, but know that they’re not worth your mind, body and soul. As a favor to you, they won’t foster a relationship with you. Relationships are all about matching your gifts to the right man’s gift. If you fail to do so, you will wind up with someone who can’t–and won’t–keep a relationship with you.

You’re too scared of letting him go
As you can see above, when a man who isn’t right for you fails to keep a relationship with you–that’s a good thing. But, some women are so desperate for a relationship, they send every indication to the man they’re seeing, that they can’t let him go. They suffocate him, they forgive him for unforgivable transgressions, and they puppy around, hoping that he will stay forever. That energy of clinginess, suffocation, fear of independence and inability to let go, can trigger all sorts of panic neurons in a man’s body. So, if you want him to stay, stand up for yourself politely and strongly, don’t have his child after two months–or as a “tactic,” check his dysfunctional behaviors without getting loud and boisterous, and be thoroughly unafraid to let him go, if he acts the fool. Given that premise, he will not only think twice about acting the fool around you, he will also be more comfortable keeping a relationship with you.

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