Tuesday, August 2, 2011

7 Things You Should Never Tell Your Man

1) The real reason you broke up with your ex
He really doesn’t need to know why you broke up with your ex-boyfriend. I know us ladies have a bad habit of telling too much when it comes to our past relationships. Your man does not need to know your last boyfriend cheated on you or that you cheated on him. Just say it didn’t work it out.

2) Your friends business
Ladies, I can’t tell you how many times we fall into this trap of getting so close to our man that we start to share the juicy gossip stories about our friends. This is never a good idea. Men are hardwired to only hear the facts so they are not going to understand that your girl Susie is painting the town red with every eligible bachelor because she is trying to take her mind off of her breakup heartache. He is only going to conclude that your friend is ‘loose’.

3) You hated the gift he gave you
Like I mentioned before, men are very sensitive especially when they are trying to please you. If he buys you a gift that you absolutely hate -fake it! Tell him that you love it and you appreciate his thoughtfulness. I know this may be hard to do with a smile but trust me it will be worth it in the long run.

4) Confess that you lied
I know this sounds contradicting, but under no circumstances should you confess that you lied about something. It will only make you look bad and the situation worse. Men want to believe that everything that comes out of their woman’s mouth is the sweet honest truth. Let’s please keep it that way.

5) His friends are losers
You’re probably right if you think his boys are 100% losers. But those are his boys for a reason and if they are indeed no good in due time he will figure it out and realize he’s out grown them.

6) How you really feel about his mother
I should have made this point number one. Never, ever, ever tell your man what you really think about his mother. His mother just may be conniving, manipulative, sneaky or whatever but his mother is second to God (maybe before) in his life. So no matter how real you want to keep it, never keep that part real.

7) Who you ‘broke off’ on your ‘break up’
Sometimes couples break up and then get back together a few months later with this notion of putting everything on the table to start fresh. While this is great news there are something’s that should be kept in your back pocket like who you had a few rendezvous with while you were living the single life. All your man needs to know is that you spent your time reflecting on what went wrong in the relationship and getting to know yourself.

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