Wednesday, June 22, 2011

You've Finally Got A Girls Trip Planned, But Will You All Travel Well


So it’s finally here. The getaway you and your girls have been planning for the past year. You’re super geeked to take a much needed break from work, your hypothetical or very real kids, man and any other burdens that have been tugging at your last nerve. While you think this trip will be completely relaxing, the very women you thought would make the vacation blissful can turn out to be quite bothersome. You never truly know someone until you travel with them. That being said you may learn some very valuable information about your comrades during your excursion

The Constant Complainer
This is the chick who can’t seem to enjoy the moment, any moment actually. From the minute you picked her up at her house she’s been nagging about this or that. It was too cold at home but the minute you all get on the beach she’s too hot to function, yet her mouth is consistently moving and nothing good is coming out. It’s best to just ignore these types. But if it gets too bad you might have to politely remind her that you all are there to have a good time. If she doesn’t get the message, do your best to avoid.

The Reckless One
Unlike the constant complainer, the reckless friend can be a blast…as long as she doesn’t mess around and get ya’ll arrested. Perhaps you’ve seen “Sex and the City II”. Samantha almost cost them a fortune with her antics. Chances are you’ve seen this friend act a fool at home when she’s liquored up and her inhibitions have faded. If you know this is how she gets down, best have a conversation with her beforehand.

The Energizer Bunny
While you do want to see and enjoy your vacation spot you also want to take some time to rest and relax, and this chick will not sit her happy behind down. She wakes up before the sun and has filled every hour of the day with some type of exhilarating activity, leaving no time for you to lounge by the pool. Humor her for as long as you can and then let her go her own way while you sleep in the sun.

 The Lazy Loafer
The polar opposite of the energizer bunny is the lazy loafer, the woman who wants to sleep til 3 in the afternoon only to get up and lay on the beach until sunset. And then she’s ready to return to the sheets. This might be alright for one day but you don’t want to come back from your vacation having had no new experiences. Don’t force her to do anything she doesn’t want to because the lazy loafer can quickly turn into the constant complainer if she’s engaging in an activity she had no interest in. So like the energizer bunny, let her go her own way as well. If she really needs the rest don’t spoil it for her.

The Confrontational Chick
This girl is the one who has a problem with everyone… and I do mean everyone. The bellhop dropped her bag, the waiter looked like he wanted to spit in her food and she could have sworn she heard the girl at the bar mutter a racial slur. But it’s not everyone around her, it’s home-girl. She doesn’t know how to act and she considers every outing an opportunity for confrontation. Chances are you’ve seen this side of her at home. So either you have to babysit her so you don’t end up jumping into a brawl or you leave her childish butt at home

The Needy One
You realize you took the vacation together but you’re all grown so you certainly don’t have to spend every waking minute of every single day together. We all know the ones who are a bit too clingy for our tastes. If you feel like you’ve developed a second shadow it’s going to be very difficult to ditch her on a vacation where you’re all staying together. Just tough it out and then take a vacation from her and any of these other characters once you’re back in the real world.

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